Many people know to consume a quick protein immediately following your resistance or weight training workout but I want to address the often ignored other optimal time for this – morning.
When you first wake up you’ve been in a fasted state for many hours. That means you’ve had no protein during this time and you are at risk for becoming catabolic (when your body breaks down muscle for fuel).
By drinking a protein shake / Shakeology® with some simple carbs like, mix in juice or half a banana as soon as you wake up you can stop this muscle breakdown and achieve positive nitrogen balance.
As for POST-WORKOUT there’s a 30-60 minute post-workout window where your muscles are like sponges and take up nutrients, including protein, very quickly as part of the repair and recovery process.
Your body also uses carbs more efficiently during this period, due to increased insulin sensitivity, so drinking your protein shake with some simple carbs (or P90X® Results and Recovery drink) will help the body more effectively absorb amino acids and utilize them for the ongoing tissue repair and growth.
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