Thursday, July 31, 2014


One of the best things you can do to avoid this problem is to implement a variety of methods into your workouts. It could be different activities (cycling instead of running), or different training protocols (interval training instead of steady-state cardio). The main thing is that you don’t stick to any one activity or protocol ONLY. When you notice the signs of diminishing returns, adjust your approach accordingly.

For instance, if a 30 minute run just isn’t doing it anymore, try replacing one or two of those runs with a 20 minute high intensity interval workout. Or, if you’re just bored with the same ol' hour of cycling, then signup for a kickboxing class. That's what I do. I do a mixture of Tabata, splits, HIIT, kickboxing, yoga/Pilates, lifting, etc. The key is to keep your body guessing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reduced Carb Diets

Reduced carb diets are a legitimate approach. Low carb diets shouldn’t be dumped in the fad category. They’re not for everyone, but can work very well for many people. Low-medium carb, high protein diets work exceptionally well for controlling calories, regulating appetite and retaining lean body mass.

Keep in mind, there are many different types of low carb diets. Low carb doesn’t necessarily mean eliminating all carbs, nor does it mean eating bacon, sausage and pork rinds. Reducing carbs could be as simple as dropping some white sugar and refined grains and replacing them with some lean protein and healthy fat.

I must also note though, carbs are not ‘bad.’ Saying a low carb diet is a viable diet option is not the same as saying carbohydrates are responsible for obesity. If anyone tells you carbs are fattening, beyond the ability of sugar and refined carbs to easily deliver an overload of calories – they may mean well, but they don’t get it.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Though yoga has grown more popular in the last few years I think there’s still a lot of misconception about it. Yoga is basically seeking peace in your mind, body and spirit. Instead of doing as most Americans do, searching for self-worth and happiness externally (status, possessions, relationships) yoga helps you look inwardly, which is where you’ll find lasting peace and true happiness. 

When people hear “yoga” many picture someone in the lotus position humming to themselves in some mindless manner. Wrong! In fact, the purpose is to be acutely present in the moment. This is when you “go to your happy place” so to speak. I personally meditate on any number of things, as long as it’s positive; sometimes it’s picturing the ocean, sometimes it’s giving a list of thanks to God, sometimes it’s imagining my Mom laughing and having fun in heaven. I also listen to jazz while I pose. You may choose a different genre or nature sounds or a metronome or no sound at all. It’s whatever helps you feel relaxed. Really the only no-no is allowing yourself to dwell on anything stressful or negative.

Most people who know me know that I’m very much into healthy living, which includes physical fitness and another reason we want to reduce stress is because stress triggers cortisol. This is a hormone that, to make a long story short, causes you to store fat in the body. I’m sure you’ve all heard how the two are related so I won’t bore you with all of that now, just know that decreasing your stress is key in MANY ways to boosting your immune system and making better use of your weight loss efforts.

Yoga teaches you how to reduce stress and increase positivity in your daily life. You will find an intensified spiritual enlightenment and peace through the practice of yoga. Not to mention the health benefits of developing a stronger and more balanced body. I used to only do yoga as a stretching ritual after working out but now I do it every single morning just to get centered, relaxed, and more mentally and physically prepared for my day.

I chose 8 poses for my morning sessions, that are most ideal for waking the body, and I spend about 10 minutes at it. I used to have pain and tightness in my lower back and hamstrings but I just don’t anymore. I do notice a difference if I don’t do it in the morning now, which only serves as a quick and sure reminder that I need to MAKE the time for it, no matter what.

Not only has it helped me physically but it has improved my spiritual awareness and increased my peace like you wouldn’t believe. I want to encourage you today to look into yoga as a tool to help you better manage your stress, depression, anxiety, etc. If you need any guidance on the matter or anything I’ve mentioned here please feel free to message me (the address is displayed to the right, under my profile) or join my Fitness Challenge Group.