Despite your valiant efforts to lose weight, these factors
may be keeping you from shedding the pounds. So you've got your plot to drop
the extra pounds. It certainly seems sensible: You're going to eat right, eat
less, and exercise. After weeks of declining dessert and diligently hitting the
weights, you step on the scale and... only 2 pounds gone? You conclude that
something or someone must be sabotaging you.
You might be right. While experts say weight loss can always
be reduced to the simple "calories in, calories out" mantra. Meaning
if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you'll lose weight but there may be
other factors meddling with the balance. Here's a few of them:
1. Treating healthy foods as low-calorie foods.
"A lot of times they're not consistent," says
Scott Kahan, co-director of the George Washington University Weight Management
Program in Washington, D.C. So while whole grains, avocados, and nuts might be
kind to your heart or cholesterol levels, dieters who binge on such foods can,
before they know it, add hundreds of calories (each gram of fat equals NINE
calories) to the day's total. Enjoy calorie-rich healthy foods, dietitians
urge, but ration them out: a quarter of an avocado on a salad or a small
handful of almonds for a snack.
2. Shunning shuteye.
Research has linked shorter sleep duration to a higher body
mass index (a measure of body fat) and increased hunger and appetite.
Additionally, if you're tired, you might be prone to grab a sugar-laden treat
for a midday boost, skip exercise, and choose takeout for dinner to avoid
cooking. It's a vicious cycle. Aim for seven or eight hours a night.
3. Underestimating calories eaten.
Quick, how many calories have you had today? No idea?
Calorie ignorance is common and fueled by quite a few factors, dietitians say.
First is a warped understanding of portion sizes. "People will tell me,
'Oh, I eat a half teaspoon of butter and I spread that on a piece of toast,'
" says Ellen Liskov, a registered dietitian and nutrition specialist at
Yale-New Haven Hospital. "I don't think you can do that mechanically."
(People typically use a tablespoon or more.) You're going to have to
recalibrate: Measure everything for a few days and work from recipes that
calculate calories per serving or do it yourself. And be diligent about
checking serving sizes. ONE sleeve of PopTarts, for example, is TWO servings.
Also, be wary of seemingly innocent things like fruit, juice, trail mix, and
dips. It's particularly easy to go overboard here.
This is just one more reason I REQUIRE you to keep a food
diary (calorie counting phone app). Forgetfulness magnifies calorie ignorance.
With all the to-do's jammed into your brain, you probably don't want to add a
food diary. But, too bad! Your selective food memory is going to continue to
sabotage you "until you start to pay attention every time you put
something in your mouth," says Madelyn Fernstrom, founding director of the
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Weight Management Center and author of
The Real You Diet. Also, while a couple of healthy snacks strategically spread
throughout the day is a good hunger-control tactic, Liskov warns of
"random" snacking. You'll almost certainly lose track of all those
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